
chinese garden

prunus persica windle weeping

green architecture,architect Ken Yeang, Ref #1

ECOCITY, architect Ken Yeang

KIA Headquarters, architect Ken Yeang

Human Research Institute, architect Ken Yeang

Chong Qing Tower, architect Ken Yeang

Macau Materplan, architect Ken Yeang

Tokyo Nara Tower, architect Ken Yeang


In the 2008-09 Budget, Financial Secretary John Thang proposed a 100% profit tax deduction for capital expenditure on environmentally-friendly machinery and equipment in the first year of purchase, to encourage the business community to go green. He also suggested shortening the depreciation period of this equipment from the usual 25 years to 5 years.

The dense population, smoke-belching factories and power stations, ceaseless construction and large numbers of diesel vehicles have made for dangerous levels of particulate matter (RSP) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2).

(source wikipedia)


"It is not the strongest, nor the most intelligent of a species that survives. It is the most adaptable to change that survives."
Clarence Darrow

Artist : BLU
Street Art

The evolution of species__ Darwin's Theory

the city